Phosphate binder use, last 3 months

  Total N N Weighted %
National sample Month      
Overall MAY15 10,058 8,126 86.1%
JUN15 10,530 8,505 85.7%
JUL15 10,928 8,800 85.5%
AUG15 10,887 8,735 84.8%
SEP15 11,109 8,912 84.8%
OCT15 11,187 8,974 84.9%
NOV15 11,194 8,983 85.3%
DEC15 11,086 8,866 84.6%
JAN16 11,229 9,016 85.4%
FEB16 11,245 9,057 85.2%
MAR16 11,298 9,089 84.8%
APR16 11,102 8,949 84.9%
MAY16 11,419 9,257 85.1%
JUN16 11,389 9,268 85.4%
JUL16 11,217 9,131 85.9%
AUG16 10,977 9,010 86.5%
SEP16 11,021 9,065 86.0%
OCT16 10,908 8,992 86.3%
NOV16 10,811 8,896 86.1%
DEC16 10,577 8,722 86.5%
JAN17 10,798 8,928 86.4%
FEB17 10,710 8,830 86.0%
MAR17 10,650 8,752 86.8%
APR17 10,516 8,668 87.0%
MAY17 10,782 8,929 86.8%
JUN17 10,781 8,930 86.4%
JUL17 10,694 8,749 85.6%
AUG17 10,467 8,580 86.1%
SEP17 10,659 8,817 86.6%
OCT17 10,614 8,774 85.7%
NOV17 10,587 8,735 86.2%
DEC17 10,410 8,584 86.7%
JAN18 10,635 8,707 86.4%
FEB18 10,650 8,741 87.1%
MAR18 9,365 7,585 82.6%
APR18 6,289 5,026 78.0%
MAY18 10,305 8,135 79.5%
JUN18 10,724 8,429 79.8%
JUL18 11,124 8,719 79.6%
AUG18 11,522 9,018 79.6%
SEP18 11,908 9,310 79.7%
OCT18 11,879 9,280 79.5%
NOV18 11,858 9,299 79.7%
DEC18 11,707 9,241 79.8%
JAN19 11,615 9,223 80.6%
FEB19 11,571 9,148 80.5%
MAR19 11,631 9,227 80.7%
APR19 11,478 9,180 81.2%
MAY19 11,587 9,325 81.7%
JUN19 11,912 9,564 81.7%
JUL19 12,376 9,860 81.1%
AUG19 12,440 9,921 80.2%
SEP19 12,368 9,911 79.7%
OCT19 11,977 9,672 79.7%
NOV19 12,493 10,046 79.0%
DEC19 12,351 9,973 79.3%
JAN20 12,285 9,912 79.0%
FEB20 12,212 9,875 79.3%
MAR20 12,082 9,826 79.5%
APR20 11,714 9,626 79.9%
MAY20 12,034 9,911 80.3%
JUN20 11,914 9,786 80.0%
JUL20 11,922 9,837 80.5%
AUG20 11,852 9,778 80.2%
SEP20 11,682 9,656 80.9%
OCT20 11,366 9,436 81.0%
NOV20 11,550 9,573 80.9%
DEC20 11,383 9,402 80.6%
JAN21 11,356 9,403 80.5%
FEB21 10,377 8,566 81.5%

Values for each month reflect any prescription during prior three months
Facility sample transitioned from DOPPS 4 to 5 in Jan-Apr 2012 (see "Study Sample and Methods").
Facility sample transitioned from DOPPS 5 to 6 in Mar-Jul 2015 (see "Study Sample and Methods").
Facility sample transitioned from DOPPS 6 to 7 in Feb-May 2018 (see "Study Sample and Methods").
Source: US-DOPPS Practice Monitor, May 2021;