Phosphate binder product use, by DOPPS country and cross-section

  Ca-based only Sevelamer only Ca + sev. only Other
N Ptnts Wgtd % N Ptnts Wgtd % N Ptnts Wgtd % N Ptnts Wgtd %
DOPPS Country DOPPS Cross-section 119 56.3% 37 18.1% 20 10.5% 33 15.1%
AusNZ D4(2010)
Belgium D4(2010) 157 54.4% 43 13.0% 84 27.8% 17 4.8%
Canada D4(2010) 169 73.1% 31 9.6% 30 9.6% 18 7.7%
France D4(2010) 75 31.2% 73 30.2% 58 27.2% 30 11.3%
Germany D4(2010) 196 54.6% 63 15.7% 53 15.8% 60 13.8%
Italy D4(2010) 70 22.6% 149 42.8% 59 18.7% 50 15.8%
Japan D4(2010) 678 58.5% 160 13.2% 257 19.9% 98 8.3%
Spain D4(2010) 97 30.7% 92 32.4% 58 18.2% 60 18.8%
Sweden D4(2010) 91 26.3% 101 31.7% 69 20.8% 68 21.2%
UK D4(2010) 146 59.2% 66 22.7% 10 2.9% 40 15.2%
US D4(2010) 990 37.3% 1,045 43.6% 340 12.7% 140 6.4%

Medications reported as prescribed (not necessarily taken) in previous week, among treated patients

Please see additional methodological information in the Data Sources and Methods section.