Vascular access in use at study entry, by DOPPS country and cross-section

  AV-Fistula AV-Graft Catheter
N Ptnts Wgtd % N Ptnts Wgtd % N Ptnts Wgtd %
DOPPS Country DOPPS Cross-section 335 71.3% 87 17.9% 42 10.9%
AusNZ D2(2002)
D3(2006) 402 77.3% 63 11.4% 51 11.3%
D4(2010) 245 74.9% 23 6.5% 64 18.6%
Belgium D2(2002) 310 61.2% 12 2.4% 196 36.4%
D3(2006) 260 57.9% 9 1.8% 185 40.3%
D4(2010) 234 54.4% 14 3.0% 204 42.6%
Canada D2(2002) 308 53.1% 78 12.8% 186 34.2%
D3(2006) 267 48.5% 64 12.5% 203 39.0%
D4(2010) 137 42.5% 16 5.5% 177 52.0%
France D2(2002) 397 80.0% 44 9.3% 53 10.7%
D3(2006) 400 76.3% 57 9.5% 82 14.3%
D4(2010) 268 77.1% 24 6.1% 63 16.8%
Germany D2(2002) 447 83.9% 59 10.7% 30 5.3%
D3(2006) 457 79.9% 54 9.7% 53 10.4%
D4(2010) 411 72.4% 48 8.2% 106 19.4%
Italy D2(2002) 461 85.8% 20 4.6% 55 9.6%
D3(2006) 437 83.3% 27 5.6% 61 11.0%
D4(2010) 328 73.8% 10 2.3% 110 23.8%
Japan D2(2002) 1,605 93.5% 111 5.6% 22 0.9%
D3(2006) 1,540 93.1% 117 6.4% 9 0.5%
D4(2010) 1,426 91.7% 106 6.7% 35 1.6%
Spain D2(2002) 454 78.2% 55 10.3% 64 11.6%
D3(2006) 456 70.8% 59 10.1% 134 19.0%
D4(2010) 389 62.4% 41 7.6% 192 30.0%
Sweden D2(2002) 310 56.8% 83 14.8% 136 28.4%
D3(2006) 315 58.6% 67 11.1% 151 30.3%
D4(2010) 243 53.8% 46 10.4% 164 35.7%
UK D2(2002) 359 69.7% 34 5.9% 127 24.5%
D3(2006) 281 64.8% 18 4.1% 118 31.0%
D4(2010) 271 66.0% 21 5.0% 102 29.0%
US D2(2002) 673 32.4% 889 42.6% 578 25.0%
D3(2006) 790 45.6% 491 27.1% 457 27.3%
D4(2010) 1,968 55.5% 588 16.0% 914 28.5%

Among patients using native AV fistula, AV graft, or catheter.

Please see additional methodological information in the Data Sources and Methods section.