Darbepoetin use, by DOPPS country and cross-section

  N Ptnts Total N Wgtd %
DOPPS Country DOPPS Cross-section 42 445 8.9%
AusNZ D2(2002)
D3(2006) 165 473 34.0%
D3(2007) 132 429 32.5%
D4(2010) 81 221 38.3%
Belgium D2(2002) 42 508 8.2%
D3(2006) 109 476 21.9%
D3(2007) 147 386 37.6%
D4(2010) 198 390 46.5%
Canada D2(2002) 32 543 6.8%
D3(2006) 234 515 54.8%
D3(2007) 197 420 60.1%
D4(2010) 131 267 59.0%
France D2(2002) 73 432 17.9%
D3(2006) 238 510 46.3%
D3(2007) 313 503 61.8%
D4(2010) 176 292 56.5%
Germany D2(2002) 69 497 14.7%
D3(2006) 186 509 36.5%
D3(2007) 219 561 38.4%
D4(2010) 134 444 28.5%
Italy D2(2002) 50 479 12.5%
D3(2006) 162 458 37.8%
D3(2007) 190 469 43.3%
D4(2010) 112 358 31.4%
Japan D3(2006) 1 1,523 0.1%
D3(2007) 1 1,547 0.1%
D4(2010) 697 1,356 52.5%
Spain D2(2002) 55 559 10.0%
D3(2006) 187 618 30.5%
D3(2007) 195 507 37.2%
D4(2010) 156 474 32.6%
Sweden D2(2002) 93 512 16.4%
D3(2006) 143 512 23.9%
D3(2007) 168 473 34.2%
D4(2010) 115 376 31.6%
UK D2(2002) 95 524 16.0%
D3(2006) 249 401 64.4%
D3(2007) 212 321 55.5%
D4(2010) 164 312 45.4%
US D2(2002) 9 2,009 0.3%
D3(2006) 241 1,645 16.7%
D3(2007) 219 1,212 17.4%
D4(2010) 124 2,721 6.2%

Prescription in previous 3 months, among patients prescribed any ESA

Please see additional methodological information in the Data Sources and Methods section.