Prescribed blood flow rate (categories), by DOPPS country and cross-section

  < 250 ml/min 250-399 ml/min >= 400 ml/min
N Ptnts Wgtd % N Ptnts Wgtd % N Ptnts Wgtd %
DOPPS Country DOPPS Cross-section 16 3.3% 366 88.6% 38 8.1%
AusNZ D2(2002)
D3(2006) 7 1.5% 409 91.0% 40 7.4%
D4(2010) 1 0.6% 249 95.8% 15 3.7%
Belgium D2(2002) 57 22.2% 216 63.3% 45 14.6%
D3(2006) 25 10.9% 185 72.3% 48 16.8%
D4(2010) 10 4.6% 177 72.4% 43 23.0%
Canada D2(2002) 6 1.5% 147 38.5% 207 60.0%
D3(2006) 4 2.4% 153 47.7% 138 49.9%
D4(2010) 2 1.3% 67 38.6% 74 60.2%
France D2(2002) 20 4.2% 386 91.4% 16 4.4%
D3(2006) 8 1.9% 410 91.9% 33 6.2%
D4(2010) 1 0.3% 249 84.8% 34 14.9%
Germany D2(2002) 105 19.6% 374 75.2% 22 5.2%
D3(2006) 49 8.6% 437 86.8% 17 4.6%
D4(2010) 29 6.7% 397 86.3% 33 7.0%
Italy D2(2002) 13 3.3% 423 89.4% 42 7.3%
D3(2006) 12 3.5% 410 92.7% 28 3.8%
D4(2010) 16 3.9% 310 93.9% 9 2.2%
Japan D2(2002) 1,615 93.2% 95 6.6% 4 0.2%
D3(2006) 1,501 89.7% 143 10.3% 2 0.1%
D4(2010) 1,301 84.3% 195 15.1% 17 0.6%
Spain D2(2002) 6 1.1% 399 78.6% 94 20.3%
D3(2006) 3 0.5% 412 80.8% 95 18.6%
D4(2010) . . 187 47.7% 239 52.3%
Sweden D2(2002) 17 4.6% 303 80.4% 59 15.0%
D3(2006) 8 1.9% 289 79.3% 80 18.8%
D4(2010) 1 0.4% 235 86.0% 45 13.7%
UK D2(2002) 19 3.7% 263 62.8% 97 33.6%
D3(2006) 10 2.8% 206 60.4% 79 36.8%
D4(2010) 7 2.3% 203 69.8% 75 27.8%
US D2(2002) 4 0.2% 247 17.5% 1,252 82.3%
D3(2006) 4 0.4% 165 17.5% 1,090 82.0%
D4(2010) 4 0.3% 407 17.2% 2,131 82.4%

Among patients dialyzing with a permanent AV access (DOPPS 3 second cross-section only among replenishment sample)

Please see additional methodological information in the Data Sources and Methods section.