Darbepoetin use, by DOPPS country and cross-section

  N Ptnts Wgtd % Total N
DOPPS Country DOPPS Cross-section 579 8.8% 6,484
All DOPPS 2(2002)
DOPPS 3(2006) 1,959 25.0% 7,745
DOPPS 3(2007) 2,052 29.8% 6,861
AusNZ DOPPS 2(2002) 42 8.9% 446
DOPPS 3(2006) 170 35.4% 479
DOPPS 3(2007) 134 32.1% 434
Belgium DOPPS 2(2002) 42 8.5% 506
DOPPS 3(2006) 112 23.0% 487
DOPPS 3(2007) 153 37.9% 391
Canada DOPPS 2(2002) 32 5.3% 555
DOPPS 3(2006) 240 45.7% 525
DOPPS 3(2007) 198 47.9% 420
France DOPPS 2(2002) 78 17.9% 434
DOPPS 3(2006) 239 47.1% 512
DOPPS 3(2007) 314 63.8% 500
Germany DOPPS 2(2002) 72 14.4% 496
DOPPS 3(2006) 190 36.5% 518
DOPPS 3(2007) 221 38.2% 565
Italy DOPPS 2(2002) 50 10.5% 478
DOPPS 3(2006) 167 35.6% 469
DOPPS 3(2007) 193 40.7% 468
Japan DOPPS 3(2006) 1 0.1% 1,531
DOPPS 3(2007) 2 0.1% 1,549
Spain DOPPS 2(2002) 59 10.7% 549
DOPPS 3(2006) 187 30.5% 619
DOPPS 3(2007) 200 38.4% 512
Sweden DOPPS 2(2002) 100 19.7% 508
DOPPS 3(2006) 148 28.5% 516
DOPPS 3(2007) 184 38.4% 477
UK DOPPS 2(2002) 95 17.7% 521
DOPPS 3(2006) 260 62.9% 411
DOPPS 3(2007) 227 70.1% 324
US DOPPS 2(2002) 9 0.4% 1,991
DOPPS 3(2006) 245 13.2% 1,678
DOPPS 3(2007) 226 17.1% 1,221

Use in previous four months, among patients on any ESA

Please see additional methodological information in the Data Sources and Methods section.