Prescribed blood flow rate (mL/min), by DOPPS country and cross-section

  N Ptnts Wgtd Mean Wgtd Std Dev Wgtd Median
DOPPS Country DOPPS Cross-section 6,973 309.92 94.87 300.00
All DOPPS 2(2002)
DOPPS 3(2006) 6,500 313.93 92.55 300.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 5,778 305.46 93.91 300.00
AusNZ DOPPS 2(2002) 420 309.42 47.32 300.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 456 316.16 40.93 300.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 413 315.19 45.65 300.00
Belgium DOPPS 2(2002) 318 314.09 74.83 300.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 258 335.73 72.86 350.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 215 323.90 96.88 350.00
Canada DOPPS 2(2002) 360 376.14 52.09 400.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 295 370.51 57.39 375.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 230 365.88 61.46 375.00
France DOPPS 2(2002) 422 304.74 42.51 300.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 451 318.63 45.33 300.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 430 326.22 47.15 300.00
Germany DOPPS 2(2002) 501 271.55 51.33 260.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 503 287.60 41.39 300.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 518 291.07 44.11 300.00
Italy DOPPS 2(2002) 478 311.52 55.89 300.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 450 312.39 49.43 300.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 450 306.05 44.65 300.00
Japan DOPPS 2(2002) 1,714 193.34 30.87 200.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 1,646 198.75 29.17 200.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 1,665 198.48 28.78 200.00
Spain DOPPS 2(2002) 499 335.31 47.59 350.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 510 343.64 40.42 350.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 415 350.63 52.38 350.00
Sweden DOPPS 2(2002) 379 326.94 60.15 300.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 377 342.73 62.99 350.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 332 337.39 53.50 350.00
UK DOPPS 2(2002) 379 334.38 63.98 320.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 295 341.09 59.75 350.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 240 341.79 60.02 350.00
US DOPPS 2(2002) 1,503 421.42 57.23 400.00
DOPPS 3(2006) 1,259 428.02 58.38 450.00
DOPPS 3(2007) 870 426.50 62.31 450.00

Among DOPPS 2 & 3 patients dialyzing with a permanent A-V access (DOPPS 3 second cross-section only among replenishment sample)

Please see additional methodological information in the Data Sources and Methods section.